
Are Solar Battery Worth It In 2024?


There is no doubt that after solar battery installation, you are going to save a lot of money in the longer run. However, it requires a significant amount of investment upfront. 

Your existing panel system is a good investment to save you more on energy bills. A simple 6.6kW Solar system is estimated to save roughly $1,899 every year. The Solar batteries are just an extension to help you save even more so are they really worth it in 2024?


In this article, we have dived deep in covering all the aspects so that you can make an informed decision. 


What are Solar Battery Storages?

Solar Batteries are compact units designed to store excess energy produced by the panels that could otherwise be wasted and sent back to the grid.

They are essential as during the nights when the modules stop producing electricity, you can still utilise sun’s energy from these units. The installation is carried out on-site by the installer and it can be done in a single visit only.

Why Are Solar Battery Storages Useful?

Ready to Deploy Energy during Emergencies

Prolonged power outages aren’t something we Australians are used to in general. However, we often experience harsh weather that can result in dust storms and heavy winds. This may result in blackouts for some hours with no significant time for when it will get back. This can severely affect your regular routine. 

Solar battery storages have energy stored that is ready to deploy in such emergencies. You can easily make use of it and light up the home, the water heaters remain functional, electricity connection in your house remains intact and you can carry on with your daily schedule regularly with no interruptions.

Partly or completely cloudy, panel modules will generate electricity. Only the efficiency levels will fluctuate depending on the amount of sunlight it gets. 

End of Net Metering 

Net metering was a luxury back then. It was a system that sends back excess electricity generated to the grid and gets a portion of the exact amount back on demand.

With this, Getting a one-to-one net metering service (a kW received per kW given) is no longer an option.

The ability of solar panels to generate electricity is completely dependent on the variation of sun throughout the day. Australian homeowners enjoy maximum panel production during 12 to 3pm in the afternoon however, it remains underutilised as most of them are at work.

You can tap into this advantage, and store this excess energy with help of the battery storage. Enjoy this energy during the night when the prices are usually high. 

Environment Friendly 

Sun’s power is the most popular and eco-friendly renewable energy source. Unilike gas, you don’t have to worry about toxic gases fluming that can be hazardous to health. Sun’s natural rays get absorbed by the panels, the AC current is then converted into usable DC current by the solar inverters Sydney, a simple procedure to reduce the reliance on grids.

A solar battery storage will not emit greenhouse gases and carbon emissions, thus you will play a part in saving the environment by reducing your annual carbon footprint.

The process of installing and removing the battery storage is very easy. You can contact your local repairer or supplier for the job. 

Solar Battery ROI

The industry average of buyback period on solar battery storage would take you approximately 5 years. Note that this depends on several factors including the size of the unit, the capacity of storage, frequent usage, etc. 

Key considerations also include the brand, Government inclusive rebates deducted, related components costs, etc.

Inquire about the installation, buyback period, rebate benefits and payment plans with a reliable solar power installation company. They will be happy to guide you on all aspects and help you make an informed decision.



Depending on your energy consumption goals, reducing your reliance on the grid, energy bills savings – all of them play a pivotal role in getting the storage.

If you live in the area where it is most likely to get exposed to frequent power cuts and blackouts, this could be a great investment for you.

Moreover, if you are looking to extend the benefits of your existing solar system and unlock more savings, including the unit could be highly beneficial.

Apart from it, if you are a small family who already reaps the benefits of a panel system, getting a unit won’t make much difference if your usage is already minimal. 

Know more about the storage by getting in touch with our friendly team! Contact us today and we will walk you through all the options and help you decide the best long term renewable investment.

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