Being dependent upon the grid electricity has made our electric bills rise significantly. However, switching to solar has been a boon as not only you will enjoy renewable energy but also contribute to saving the environment by reducing your carbon footprint.
People who have solar systems installed in their homes are seeing for themselves the percentage of credit they are saving on their energy bills. Along with panels and inverters, Solar batteries along with all the modern components can help you to save more.
These batteries can be a great investment in the longer and with reliable solar batteries sydney service you can get it installed quickly and enjoy the perks of it. We have discussed further on how it can help you save money.
What are Solar Batteries and How do they Work?
Solar Batteries are the devices that can store excess amounts of the electricity produced in the day that might have gotten wasted. These stored energy can in turn be utilised when panels aren’t producing electricity like in nights and cloudy days.
These Overproduced energy by solar panels are just getting wasted as they are fed back to the utility grid through a programme called net energy metering. If this current can be stored, then it can be further utilised for constant supply without any additional costs.
Benefits of using Solar Batteries.
So why need to get solar batteries when the grid can credit you with excess energy? Turns out there are several advantages to it.
Backup Energy at the Time of Power Outages.
The biggest advantage homeowners can have is they can enjoy stored power during outages.
During Power Outage, Your whole system will automatically shut down. Its electrical codes don’t allow the system to operate during outage as it can backfeed live power to the grid.
In household solar installations, an additional device called backup gateway is installed which makes your home a separate isolate or an island during the outages.
This gateway disconnects from the main grid and can turn on the battery. A close system is then formed through which the excess energy stored in solar batteries can now be utilised – becoming a home generator alike.
Power Shaving.
Most Residential areas follow a TOU Rate Plans – Time of Use Pricing. A model designed to determine accurately the changes in prices of electricity throughout the day.
This shows how power prices deflect in on peak and off peak times in a day. On peak times are generally when people head to their homes after the workday and Off peak times reflect the middle of the day when solar systems everywhere are producing excess power or no power during the nights.
Backfeeding these excess energy back to the grid goes completely unutilised as still at the end of the day, you are paying for the energy that is produced even the excess power that goes to waste. This is where solar batteries Sydney can help you save additional money.
Rather than backfeeding the power, it stores this power and utilises it at night. Due to this, you won’t have to rely on the grid for the electricity produced during the highest cost time hours.
Self Consumption.
At the end of the day, you will try to utilise the sun’s energy that might’ve gone backfeed and go to complete waste. Instead of using the grid electricity at nights, you will be using it from solar batteries.
It allows you to get more dependent on Sun’s free Electricity as you are not only using it at day but also at night. Tesla found that installing just one of its batteries increased solar power consumption by 50%!
Note that the amount of money you are going to save completely depends on factors such as the size of the battery, your consumption rate and the structure of rate plans. These batteries are a great investment to save you credit in the long run.
Solar Batteries Options.
- You need to prefer industry grade products from solar batteries sydney market.
- Some common products Solar National offers from brands such as LG, Tesla and Sonnen.
- You can also purchase multiple batteries depending upon the size of your home system and ample duration of backups.
With the advancements and breakthroughs of technology, These batteries are continuing to be more affordable and advanced with a range of solar finance options available.